C++ Game Dev 7: Components


If you’ve been following the tutorials up to this point, you’ll have a sprite that you can move around the screen using the keyboard. While this is a good start; we will, in the not too distant future, want to add additional functionality to our player object. At the very least we will want our player to have health, physics, a bounding box for collisions, and a way to animate its sprites. This is where the component system comes in, the focus of todays and next weeks tutorial.

C++ Game Dev 8: Components 2


In this tutorial we will re-implement the movement code that we previously used to move our sprite around the screen, but this time as a component. We’ll also create a transform component that will be attached to all of our games objects. This component will store the sprites position, rotation, and scale (although it will only store its position initially).

C++ Game Dev 9: Resource Management


As games become more complex, the issue of how to manage a games assets and resources is only becoming more difficult; which is why, even though we do not have many resources at the moment, it is a good idea to start the groundwork on what will become a robust and generic (it can handle any resource we throw at it) resource management system.